About China Matters Events
Discussion of China’s rise and the implications for Australia usually takes place among like-minded individuals in isolation from those with dissenting opinions. It is often simplistic. Our goal is to be a catalyst for a constructive dialogue between the keen supporters of Australia’s relations with China and the sceptics as well as those in-between. Our China Matters Young Professionals project also hosts events specifically for young professionals, aged 35 or under, from business and the public service.
PRC Study Tour
A key objective of China Matters is to help Australian elected officials and business executives better understand the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the complexities of the Australia-China relationship. Our PRC study tours, led by a China Matters executive, is one of many activities China Matters undertakes to fulfil this goal. A small group of parliamentarians and business executives are invited to participate in these study tours to understand the thoughts and aspirations of middle-class PRC citizens, how they view their society, the challenges ahead, and the PRC’s international role. China Matters funds the travel expenses of participating parliamentarians.
Former Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Dr Martin Parkinson, and PRC Ambassador to Australia H.E. Mr Cheng Jingye, endorsed the China Matters Study Tour project on its inception in September 2018. Australia’s Ambassador to the PRC, H.E. Mr Graham Fletcher, also endorses this project.
China Matters in Parliament
Our China Matters in Parliament forum is one of our ways of engaging with policy-makers on a regular basis. The forum allows Members of Parliament to join us for robust and nuanced discussions about China and the complex choices that face Australia’s decision-makers when dealing with China.
National Meetings
China Matters hosts national meetings to bring together a diverse set of senior representatives from government, business and academia – Australians who are affected by China’s rise in one way or another. Each national meeting addresses a few of the difficult challenges that China’s rise poses for Australia, spanning geopolitics, society and economics. Our aim is to formulate recommendations to strengthen Australian policy toward China.
Eighth National Meeting, 18 October 2019, in partnership with La Trobe University, Melbourne.
Seventh National Meeting, 7 June 2018, in partnership with Opera Australia, Sydney.
Sixth National Meeting, 17 October 2017, in partnership with the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University, Canberra.
Fifth National Meeting, 24 March 2017, in partnership with The University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Fourth National Meeting, 22 September 2016, in partnership with Perth USAsia Centre, Perth.
Third National Meeting, 7 April 2016, in partnership with University of Sydney Business School, Sydney.
Second National Meeting, 20 November 2015, in partnership with La Trobe Asia, Melbourne.
Inaugural National Meeting of China Matters, 22 May 2015, in partnership with the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University, Canberra.
Policy Dinners
China Matters’ policy dinners provide an opportunity for a candid, off-the-record discussion among a small handful of senior figures from government, business and academia about specific challenges associated with Australia’s relationship with the People’s Republic of China.