What Should Australia's New China Narrative Look Like? Stephen FitzGerald China Matters Seventh National Meeting 14 August 2018
How should Australia deal with PRC-US strategic technological competition? Attila Brungs Eighth National Meeting 18 October 2019
What are Canberra’s policy options if the PRC decides to punish Australia economically for being too supportive of the US? Alistair Nicholas Eighth National Meeting 18 October 2019
Does the security establishment adequately consider Australia’s economic interests with the PRC? Michael Wesley Eighth National Meeting 18 October 2019
How do we ensure collaboration with PRC tech and innovation is to our advantage? Elanor Huntington Seventh National Meeting 07 June 2018
Understanding the THAAD dispute between South Korea and the PRC Jacinta Keast Seventh National Meeting 07 June 2018
How does Australia respond to growing PRC influence, without creating prejudice against Chinese-Australians? Jason Yat-sen Li Sixth National Meeting 17 October 2017
Australia needs PRC investment. But how to deter PRC control, especially in critical infrastructure? Ryan Manuel Sixth National Meeting 17 October 2017
How should Australia respond to Xi Jinping's ambition? Brendan Taylor Sixth National Meeting 17 October 2017
How should Australia prepare for a changed trade and investment landscape? Tim Lane Fifth National Meeting 24 March 2017
How should Australia shape its ties with China in an unpredictable era? Linda Jakobson Fifth National Meeting 24 March 2017
What should Australia do to meet the aspirations of Chinese international students? Simon Longstaff Fifth National Meeting 24 March 2017
China's deepening engagement in Australian society: Is it a concern? Stephen FitzGerald Fourth National Meeting 22 September 2016
Does Australia really welcome investment from China? A closer look at agribusiness Hannah Bretherton Fourth National Meeting 22 September 2016
Do China's regional ambitions threaten Australia's interests? Allan Gyngell Fourth National Meeting 22 September 2016
Do China's regional ambitions threaten Australia's interests? Richard Rigby Third National Meeting 07 April 2016
Has China's government lost control of core areas of the economy? Laurie Smith Third National Meeting 07 April 2016
China's economic environment under Xi Jinping: what are the implications for Australian business? Hans Hendrischke Second National Meeting 20 November 2015
The PRC's engagement with Australian society: how should Australia respond? Eva O'Dea Second National Meeting 20 November 2015
What does China want from the region? How should Australia respond? Nick Bisley Second National Meeting 20 November 2015