Linda Jakobson (Part 2): Australia-China relations; Taiwan Linda Jakobson Australia in the World hosted by Allan Gyngell and Darren Lim 29 May 2021
Linda Jakobson (Part 1): On China, Chinese politics, and Finlandisation Linda Jakobson Australia in the World hosted by Allan Gyngell and Darren Lim 27 May 2021
In Conversation with Professor Jocelyn Chey and Professor Stephen FitzGerald Australia-China Institute for Arts and Culture Western Sydney University 30 March 2020
What should/can be the role of corporations in Australia’s engagement and influence in Asia? Peter Hendy Speech to the Centre for Corporate Public Affairs 06 March 2020
China 2020: Powering the next growth wave Alistair Nicholas AsiaLink Business and CPA Australia Forum Keynote Address 29 November 2019
The lowest ebb - the decline and decline of Australia's relationship with China Geoff Raby La Trobe University Annual China Oration 04 November 2019
What Can Australia Do? Allan Gyngell Keynote Speech at the 2019 AIIA National Conference 17 October 2019
History hasn't ended: How to handle China Allan Gyngell Australian Foreign Affairs 7: China Dependence 01 October 2019
Is Huawei re-starting the Cold War? Linda Jakobson ABC Between the Lines with Tom Switzer 31 January 2019
Cultural Diplomacy and Australia-China Relations Jocelyn Chey Australia-China Institute for Arts and Culture 06 December 2018
Tinker, Tailor, Student, Spy? Inside Australia's Chinese Student Boom Linda Jakobson The Little Red Podcast 08 May 2018
From Democracy to Authoritarianism: The Corruption Link Nick Bisley Australian Intercultural Society 08 February 2018
Ambassador Jan Adam's Speech at Australia-China 45th Anniversary Lunch Jan Adams Speech at Australia-China 45th Anniversary Lunch 14 December 2017
Kevin Rudd on China’s rise and a new world order Linda Jakobson & Nick Bisley in conversation with Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd La Trobe University 27 October 2017
How Now? Kowtow? Australian Foreign policy and a rising China Allan Gyngell Speech to Australian Institute of International Affairs, ACT Branch 12 September 2017
Our role in Asia in the Trump era Allan Gyngell & Nick Bisley in conversation with Former Prime Minister Paul Keating La Trobe University 02 May 2017
Australia's Foreign Policy: Retrospect and Prospect Gareth Evans Launch of Fear of Abandonment: Australia in the World Since 1942 13 April 2017
Australia's Fear of Abandonment: Foreign Policy in an Era of Global Change Allan Gyngell Launch of Fear of Abandonment: Australia in the World Since 1942 13 April 2017
Managing ourselves in a Chinese world: Australian foreign policy in an age of disruption Stephen FitzGerald 2017 Whitlam Oration 16 March 2017
Navigating Australia's Relations with China and the United States Hon Gareth Evans AC QC Keynote Speech China Matters Second National Meeting 20 November 2015