China Matters has mobilised a diverse group of Australian policy thinkers to formulate a ‘new’ China narrative for the Australian government. The idea emerged following feedback from the China Matters Explores policy brief, ‘Is there a problem with Australia’s China narrative?‘ which China Matters CEO and Founding Director Linda Jakobson co-authored with China Matters board director, Professor Stephen FitzGerald. Rather than find fault and point out current failings, we felt it more prudent to explore what a new China narrative might look like.
This event in Canberra on 26 March 2019 launched the next-to-final draft of “A New China Narrative for Australia”, beginning a two-month long dynamic editing and review process during which China Matters solicited comments on the draft from specialists and the Australian public. The final version of “A New China Narrative for Australia” will be presented to the new Australian government following the 2019 federal election.
Panellists included:
Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin AC (Ret’d), former Chief of the Defence Force of Australia
The Hon Julie Bishop MP, Member for Curtin, former Minister for Foreign Affairs
Prof Michael Wesley, Dean of the College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University (moderator)
Mr Jason Yat-sen Li, Chairman, Vantage Asia Holdings
After the consultative process China Matters initiated a public debate on the contents of the draft Narrative.
This feedback has been published online here.
After 1 May, the authors reviewed what was said at this launch, as well as the public suggestions sent by email. A final revision will take place before the narrative is presented to the new Government after the federal election.